
Community Resources

Community Support Hotlines

Baltimore County DSS: 410-887-TIME(8463)
Baltimore County Crisis Response: 410-931-2214
Maryland Food Bank: 410-737-8282
United Way: 211
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Call and Text: 988
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Chat:

2-1-1 – Need Help? Dial 2-1-1 or visit the Web site for information on nearly 5,000 agencies and programs across the state.

24-hour Parenting Helpline Sponsored by The Family Tree: 1-800-243-7337 - Need support? You are never alone. Whether you have a quick parenting question, are struggling with caring for a new baby, have concerns about child development or want to find community resources, you can call 24/7.

Active Parenting - APP delivers quality education programs for parents, children and teachers to schools, hospitals, social services organizations, churches and the corporate market. The most popular program is Active Parenting Now, for parents of children age’s five to twelve.

Baltimore County Parenting Services

Baltimore County, Maryland  - County government website with links to county services.

Baltimore’s Child - A website that features resources and activities in and around the Baltimore area.

Baltimore County PTA Council -A resource to find out about the latest news and events, and resources. Feedback and suggestions are welcome.

Baltimore County Public Library – Youth Program - Call your local public library for program details 

Birth to Five Services – BCPS services for infants, toddlers and young children between birth and age five include several programs and activities to improve developmental outcomes for young children and their families.

Burial Assistance Program - provides limited financial help with funeral expenses of deceased recipients of Public Assistance programs when families cannot afford funeral costs.

Child Care Resource Center – Abilities Network – List of available Child Cares in your area and educational opportunities such as parenting classes. 

Child Care: Maryland Family Network Locate: Child Care - Selecting child care is one of the most important decisions your family will ever make. Take the time to make the right choice–the first five years last forever. Safe and reliable child care is only a phone call away. A trained LOCATE: Child Care Referral Specialist is ready to help you select the best childcare option for your family. (Toll-free) 877-261-0060

Children and Maternal Health Services - Baltimore County ( – A list of services to ensure the health and safety of women, infants, and children in Baltimore County. 

Community Assistance Network, Inc. (CAN) - CAN operates seven community outreach centers in Baltimore County. Click here for locations and phone numbers.

CCBC/Library  - Link to a database of local county services.

Conflict Resolution Center - This center provides conflict resolution services to individuals, communities and organizations (410-527-4321).

Dental Care Resources - Baltimore County Government

Food – Baltimore, Maryland Food Pantries. A comprehensive list of food assistance programs provides full descriptions, pictures, hours, volunteer information, etc.

Foreclosure Prevention - This site provides information and resources on how to avoid foreclosure.

Freezing Weather Shelter - This site provides information on cold weather shelters in Baltimore County for the homeless when temperatures go below freezing.

Fuel Fund Maryland - This site provides information of the efficient delivery of cost-effective energy assistance for low-income households.

GLSEN | Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network - Organization for students, parents and teachers that try to affect positive change in schools. Offers information on what you can do and local chapters in each state.

GSA | Gay-Straight Alliance - Student-led organization with typically three functions: support, social and activist. These school-based groups provide a safe place for students to meet, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity and expression, and work to end homophobia and transphobia.

GrandFacts- State fact sheet for grandparents and other relatiMaryves raising children.

Infant Safe Sleep - Maryland Department of Health provides guidance and resources for families to help keep babies safe while sleeping or napping.

Maryland ABLE - Maryland ABLE accounts provide a way to help individuals with disabilities save money and pay for qualified disability-related expenses without jeopardizing state of federal means-tested benefits such as SSI or Medicaid.

Maryland Department of Human Services – The state’s human services provider that helps vulnerable Marylanders buy healthy foods, pay energy bills and obtain medical assistance (800-332-6347).

Maryland Excels - Find a Quality Childcare Program – The stat Maryland EXCELS is the state's quality rating and improvement system for licensed childcare and early education programs that meet nationally recognized quality standards.

Maryland Poison Center

Maryland SNAP Ed, Eat Smart: Maryland SNAP-Ed is a program within University of Maryland Extension that improves the health and wellbeing of limited income families across Maryland. Visit the Eat Smart website to find healthy recipes, physical activity ideas, and other resources to help your family make healthy choices.

Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Parent Resources - website includes information and resources for parents.

Mental Health Association of Maryland – MHAMD addresses the mental health needs of Marylanders of all ages (443-901-1550).

National Alliance on Mental Illness  - NAMI Metropolitan Baltimore provides resources and community education tools that transform the lives of families and individuals living with the debilitating effects of mental illness (410-435-2600).

NeighborSpace of Baltimore County, Inc.- Community partners that seek to promote health and well-being, buffer local streams from polluted run-off, and enhance the value of homes and businesses (443-377-3760).

PFLAG Baltimore | Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender persons - Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Persons promotes the equality and well-being of LGBT people, their families, and their friends through support to cope with an adverse society, education to enlighten an ill-informed public, and advocacy to end discrimination and secure equal civil rights.

Resource List for Baltimore County Children and Families - County websites containing contact information or various community resources/agencies such as mental health and substance abuse services.

SNAP Outreach Community Based Organizations - Organizations authorized by the State of Maryland, Department of Human Services, to assist you with applying for SNAP benefits.

Stay Connected BCPS - Listing of Various platforms to get information on current activities and events at Baltimore County Public Schools.

The Parents Place of Maryland - 410-768-9100 Center for families of children with disabilities

TU TESOL - Multilingual Learners Hub

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Administration for Children and Families - has developed a guide for families to highlight federal benefits and services to help families meet childcare, health care, mental health, nutrition, housing, and financial needs. The document is also available in Spanish and Mandarin.

UnitedHealthcare's "On My Way" - Gamified platform that teaches real life skills and prepares teens for adulthood. Membership to UnitedHealthcare is not needed for access to this FREE platform.

Utility Bill Assistance in Baltimore County - The Maryland Department of Human Resources for utility assistance in Baltimore County (1-800-352-1446).

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