
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, also known as the Blueprint, establishes in law the policies and accountability recommendations of the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education. The Blueprint is a multi-billon dollar investment in Maryland schools and seeks to "transform Maryland's early childhood, primary, and secondary education systems to the levels of high-performing systems around the world. The Bill took effect on July 1, 2020, and has five major policy areas: Early Childhood Education, High-Quality and Diverse Teachers and Leaders, College and Career Readiness (CCR) Pathways – including Career and Technical Education, More Resources to Ensure All Students are Successful, and Governance and Accountability.

BCPS is developing an implementation plan for the items in the Blueprint and is collaborating with county government partners and other Local Education Agencies (LEAs) throughout the state to ensure that students, staff and families can take advantage of the most current information regarding the implementation of Blueprint.

Blueprint Feedback or Questions QR Code LinkTo provide feedback or questions about BCPS’ Blueprint Implementation Plan please complete: BCPS Blueprint Feedback

For more information, please contact:

Dr. John Staley, Coordinator
BCPS Blueprint District Implementation Coordinator

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