
Advisory Groups

Advisory and Stakeholder Groups

Community members are encouraged to support Baltimore County Public Schools through participation in a wide range of Board of Education Advisory and Stakeholder Groups. Brief descriptions of these groups and links for additional information such as contacts and upcoming meeting dates follow:

Area Education Advisory Councils

For each of the school system’s five geographic and administrative areas – Southwest, Northwest, Central, Northeast, and Southwest – the Board of Education appoints residents to serve on an Area Education Advisory Council (AEAC) to provide a broader base of citizen input into education.

The Board believes that area education advisory councils exist to improve the quality of education in Baltimore County and to strengthen the relationship between the school system and the community by serving as informed advisors to the Board on public school issues and by promoting interest and involvement in the school system. The Board establishes the AEACs as standing committees that report directly to the Board. With careful attention to input from the community, AEACs are charged with advising the Board on issues that affect students, families, communities and schools.

For more information, see Board Policy 1230.

Career and Technology Education Advisory Council

This group of citizens, including many industry professionals and business leaders, advise, advocate for, and review Career and Technology Education programs, including programs in arts, media communications, health, biosciences, business management, finance, human resource services, information technology, consumer service, hospitality, tourism, construction and development, environmental and natural resources, manufacturing, engineering and technology, and transportation technology.

The Citizens' Advisory Committee for Gifted and Talented Education

Through this committee, parents and community members are dedicated to studying best practices in the field of gifted and talented education, educating the public concerning local and national issues in gifted education, serving as a forum for concerns relating to the BCPS Gifted and Talented Education Program, and advising the Superintendent and staff concerning gifted education services.

PTA Council

Most schools have their own Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) or Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA). PTA/PTSA units are independent non-profits chartered under Free State PTA (Maryland’s PTA organization) and National PTA, the largest and oldest child advocacy organization in the country. All PTA/PTSA units in BCPS are supported by the PTA Council of Baltimore County, Inc., an all-volunteer group of experienced PTA leaders.

The PTA mission is “to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.”

Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee

Committee members advocate at the county, state and federal level to make recommendations and assist Baltimore County Public Schools about issues including the education budget, inclusion, assessments, support services and other issues concerning children and special education services.

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