Board of Education Selects Four Finalists for Final Interviews
McPherson and Jacobson, LLC, the executive search firm coordinating efforts to find a new
superintendent for Baltimore County Public Schools, has received applications from 24
candidates. The applicants come from 15 states and are comprised of current
superintendents, central office administrators, and other educational leaders.
After careful review and deliberation, the Board has selected four finalists for a final round
of interviews. The four finalists will be interviewed by the Board and members of keystakeholder groups that represent students, parents, multicultural and civic organizations,
employee associations, and area advisory councils.
The interviews will be held the second week of May. Based on input from the stakeholder
groups and information gathered by the Board, the preferred candidate will be identified.
Once the preferred candidate is identified, the Board will work to complete a final reference
check and negotiate a contract in advance of the July 1 start date for the new
superintendent. During this process, the Board remains committed to maintaining the
confidentiality of candidates in order to find the best leader for BCPS.
List of Stakeholder Participants (Finalist Interviews)
Community Engagement Report
On April 18, executive search firm McPherson and Jacobson, LLC, presented the findings from the community engagement phase of the search process, including the desired qualifications and characteristics of the next superintendent. The 172-page report if based on the input from members of the Team BCPS community who participated in community meetings, focus groups and completed the online survey. This information will assist the Board of Education in determining the primary characteristics desired in the new superintendent.
Read the Report