Welcome to the Department of Staff Relations and Employee Performance Management
Joelle Bielski Danielle Peregoy
Director Administrative Assistant
443-809-2097 443-809-9377
6901 Charles Street, Bldg. A Phone: 443-809-2095
Towson, MD 21204
The Department of Staff Relations operates under the Chief of Staff and represents the superintendent in the negotiation and administration of contracts with all employee groups. The department represents the superintendent in the response to appropriate administrative appeals and assists in the establishment and maintenance of productive working relations between all employee groups and the Board of Education (BOE).
For verification of employment, please contact the Office of Payroll at 443-809-4240.
Responsibilities of the Department of Staff Relations:
- Provides leadership, advice, and assistance to employees regarding policies and procedures.
- Provides professional development to managers, supervisors, and administrators to increase their knowledge and familiarity with the negotiated agreements and the appraisal process.
- Effectively implements the master agreements for all bargaining units.
- Maintains positive relationships with all recognized employee groups.
- Promptly, fairly, and effectively responds to grievances and administrative appeals on behalf of the superintendent.
- Participates in the training of new administrators, with emphasis on the proper implementation of the master agreements.
- Prepares for and participates in arbitration sessions, as necessary, in order to bring grievances to effective closure.
- Attempts to resolve problems without going to arbitration whenever possible and appropriate.
ESPBC - Substituting and Coverage (9.16.24-6.16.25)
ESPBC and BCPS recognize there are differences between substituting and covering for a teacher.
- The majority of the time, substituting occurs when the teacher is out of the building. There are a few scenarios when substituting would occur when the teacher is physically in the building. Substituting would occur if the teacher is on administrative leave, or if the teacher is participating in a ½ day or full day professional development.
- If a paraeducator is substituting, they are compensated $10/hour in addition to their hourly rate.
- If a paraeducator is responsible for a class because there is a teacher vacancy, the teacher is absent, or on an extended leave, the paraeducator would be compensated at $10/hour in addition to their hourly rate.
- If a teacher is absent and 2 paraeducators are assigned to substitute for the class for the entire day, they would share the $10/hour in addition to their hourly rates.
- If a teacher is absent and two different paraeducators split the class (1 substitutes in the morning and a second one substitutes in the afternoon), then each paraeducator will be compensated for the time they substituted.
- If a teacher is participating in a ½ day or full day professional development, the paraeducator is eligible for $10/hour in addition to their hourly rate for substituting.
- Coverage occurs when the teacher is working but participating in a meeting, i.e. IEP teams meeting, conference with administration, parent conference.
- A paraeducator can cover for up to 3 hours for this purpose.
- If the coverage assignment lasts more than 3 hours, then the paraeducator is compensated $10/hour in addition to their hourly rate, for any portion of time that exceeds the 3 hours of coverage.
TABCO - Case Management (form highlighted below for sharing scope of work)
TABCO - Elementary Instructional Leadership Teams (ILTs)
TABCO - Department Chair (Leadership and Content Meetings Beyond Duty Day)
TABCO - National Board-Certified Teacher (NBCT)
CASE and TABCO - Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Grant
OPE Compensatory Time
TABCO CASE Management Form for Scope of Work - This standard form is to be completed by the case manager and submitted to the administrator.
Extra Duty Activities (EDAs)
Please visit the BCPS News Hub for the 2024-2025 EDA updated process: 2024-2025 Extra Duty Activity (EDA) Process (sharepoint.com)
Questions regarding EDAs should be directed to Division of Fiscal Services staff at [email protected]
Helpful Links
Maryland Negotiation Services
- Per Superintendent's Policy 4203,"In accordance with bargaining unit agreements, for any religious holiday not noted on the MSDE student testing calendar, the employee must provide documentation from their religious leader verifying the requirement to be absent from work to fulfill a religious obligation(s). An employee's documented absence for the employee's religious holiday shall not be used against them in determining any attendance-related benefits, incentives or promotional opportunities."
Grievance Report Forms: