
Schools Information

Schools Information Page

This page has been created to guide schools on how to properly manage their records.  Schools are responsible for the creation, management and disposal of records relating to school administration.  These records include student records, school-specific records, and other general records that are maintained by all schools.  Records created in the normal course of business of the Baltimore County Public Schools (“BCPS”) are public records and must follow statutory guidelines for retention and disposition of public records. 

Records Retention Schedules For Schools

 BCPS has approved records retention schedules that enable schools to decide when to dispose of their records. These records retention schedules are designed to ensure the school system records are retained for as long as they are needed for administrative, legal, fiscal, or audit purposes and that they are properly disposed of once their value to the school and the school system has passed. Adherence to these schedules is important for the efficient and proper functioning of BCPS.

The following records retention schedule governs all general records maintained in schools and offices:

The following records retention schedules apply to those records maintained solely in a school:

Storage of School Records

 Records that are not in current use (inactive records) must be stored on the school premises.  The following storage guidelines should be followed:

  • The records must be safe from unauthorized access.
  • The records must be stored in an environment free from dangers such as water, excessive light, excessive heat, vermin and insects.
  • The records should be properly boxed and labelled.
  • A list must be created so that records can be easily located when needed.

Student Records
The Records Management Team has incorporated the Maryland Student Records System Manual’s retention periods into a schedule approved by the Maryland State Archives. (See, Schedule C1482, Student Records.) 

Student records should be filed in one of five folders:

  • Permanent;
  • Cumulative;
  • Health;
  • Special Education; and
  • Section 504. 

All five folders are considered the student’s record for the purposes of this schedule. Please see Schedule C1482, Student Records, for records that should be included within each folder.

Records Requests for Current BCPS Students
Requests for copies of student records for a currently enrolled student (or former student from your school who is under age 21) shall be processed in accordance with Superintendent's Rule 5230.

Parental requests to provide copies of a student record to a third party require that the parent/guardian of the student provide a signed and dated written consent form. 

Records Requests for Records Former Students Aged 21 or Older:

Further Information
For additional resources for implementing the records management program in schools, please consult the following:

Please contact the Records Officer if you have questions about
the retention and disposition of records for your school: [email protected]

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