
August 17, 2022 Community Update: Back-to-School Information

Information for 2022-23

August 17, 2022 Community Update: Back-to-School Information

August 2022

Dear BCPS Students, Parents, and Families:

In preparation for welcoming students to the 2022-2023 school year, school teams and their central office partners have been working diligently to ensure each student enters a safe, supportive environment for learning and growth.  Students will see vibrant and exciting learning spaces that will engage their academic, social, and emotional well-being.  School leaders and teachers have been engaged in professional learning to accelerate each child's progress towards their academic goals. School staff have crafted School Progress Plans to address student skills in reading, writing, and mathematics and to identify action steps to support student social-emotional well-being.  School procedures, schedules, and activities will be fully explained to all students in support of a smooth transition back to in-person instruction.  

Below please find vital information related to the return of students for a new school year.

Student Information

Early Entry Day
Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) is excited to host Early Entry Day on August 25, 2022, for rising sixth and ninth grade students.  This opportunity will allow these students an opportunity to engage in team building activities, tour their school, and meet key staff.  More information regarding Early Entry Day will be shared by your child's school. 

First Day of School
The first day of school for students in Grades 1 through 12 is Monday, August 29, 2022. Our school administrators and staff are preparing for a positive first day and school year.  Students should expect to receive instruction on the first day, as well as additional information and resources to be successful.   

Important Dates for the start of the 2022-2023 School Year

  • August 25, 2022 – Early Entry Day: Grades 6 and 9
  • August 25, 2022 – Virtual Orientation for Students in THE Virtual Learning Program (VLP)
  • August 29, 2022 – First Day of School: Grades 1-12
  • August 31, 2022 – First full day of kindergarten

Extracurricular Activities & Athletics
All students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities and/or athletics.  Beginning with the first quarter, extra-curricular activities will be offered to any students who wish to expand their learning and re-engage with old friends or meet new ones.  For secondary students, a full spectrum of athletic programs will be offered at the intramural and interscholastic levels. 

BCPS staff will continue to prioritize grade level content for each subject and course, diagnose unfinished learning in priority content areas including English Language Arts and mathematics, focus on academic vocabulary to support priority standards, utilize digital materials to enhance instructional strategies, and adopt curricular scope and sequences to include opportunities for acceleration support and scaffolding of priority standards.

The expectation is that all students attend in-person and/or virtual classes (VLP students) daily and on time.  Students should be ready for classroom discussions and activities, and be prepared for assignments, assessments, projects, and other graded activities.  Schools will use multiple measures including internal (teacher or system designed) and external assessments to measure student learning.

We are planning to host PSAT testing in October for Grades 9 through 11, and SAT Day in April for Grade 11. We want to encourage students in AP and IB classes to register to take the AP or IB exam in the spring and don’t forget about our dual enrollment with CCBC. 

If additional academic support is needed, we plan to continue to support after school tutorials and Saturday School supports for students. Please check with your local school for more information. 

Continue to use the resources in Schoology and understand the grading reporting procedures for each class.   Remember the dates when the marking period ends: 

  • November 4, 2022 – First Marking Period
  • January 17, 2023 – Second Marking Period
  • March 24, 2023 – Third Marking Period
  • June 21, 2023 – Fourth Marking Period (May 19, 2023, for graduating seniors)

Parent Information

Parents and guardians are vital stakeholders in our school communities and there are several ways to stay connected.  Join your local PTSA or PTO and make a difference in the lives of our students.  Visit the Parent University link which offers resources, videos, workshops, and system updates that can support the needs of your family.  Follow Parent University on Social Media:@BCPSParentU on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter

Once school begins, parents may have questions or may need to resolve an issue.  The best approach is for parents to contact their child’s teacher or counselor and, if unresolved, the school administrator.  Executive Directors and the Chief of Schools can assist parents and guardians if the issues are unresolved at the school level. 

Mental Health Services
Mental health is a prevailing concern that has been exacerbated by the lived experiences of COVID-19 and social unrest.  BCPS is focused on providing a tiered system of mental health supports that is bolstered by continuing to promote social and emotional learning and awareness through the fourth annual Mind Over Matters (M.O.M.) Campaign. The campaign is an ongoing movement to raise awareness about mental health and promote wellness for students and staff in BCPS. Suggested activities coincide with various themes broken down by months/quarters.   Members of the Mental Health Advisory Council will continue to participate in the focus on an accessible, comprehensive system of supports.  Our student voices were helpful in creating this campaign and our local school councils and student government association should be working on specific plans at each school. 

School supports for students include:

  • School Counselors 
  • School Social Workers
  • Pupil Personnel Workers (PPWs)
  • School Nurses
  • School Psychologists

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
SEL has continued to expand to support a positive school and workplace climate with the expansion of professional development opportunities for staff.  Additional resources including, SEL calendars, can be located on the Department of Social Emotional Supports Web site that includes the Virtual Calming Room where students, families and staff can explore tools and strategies for self-care in managing emotions and feelings.

Student Expectations
BCPS is committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environments for all students. The resources below outline student expectations, rights and responsibilities for the 2022-2023 school year.  BCPS families are encouraged to review resources with children prior to the start of school.  Students will also review the documents in class with school staff. 

The BCPS Code of Conduct At-A-Glance provides an overview of discipline procedures and protocols, and the range of consequences students could face for violating various policies, regulations, and rules. The guide, aligned with Board of Education Policy 5550 and Superintendent’s Rule 5550, also discusses the BCPS discipline philosophy and defines the various disciplinary responses. 

The 2022-2023 Student Handbook includes an overview of the rights and responsibilities of BCPS students and a summary of the laws and regulations that affect students. Topics include consistent, timely attendance, respect for people and property, technology usage, student publications, student activities, student records, the right to appeal – including grievance procedures – and more. For the complete explanation of students’ responsibilities and rights, see Board of Education Policy 5600 and Superintendent’s Rule 5600

The Transportation Handbook provides rules and procedures on buses is the safety of all passengers- students and staff. Please take a few minutes to review the with students concerning bus behavior expectations and bus discipline prior to the beginning of the school year. Students will also review the documents with school staff.  

Comprehensive Safety Plan
Staff have revised existing protocols and developed new protocols in response to identified needs and gaps in providing a safe and supportive environment. Support staff have engaged in professional learning to continue to grow team collaboration in identification, assessment, and intervention to address social, emotional and behavioral needs. 

Schoolwide Positive Behavior Plan (SWPBP)
During the 2022-2023 school year, all schools will complete the SWPBP.   The School Climate Team of each school is encouraged to meet monthly (minimum quarterly) to analyze data, evaluate implementation, and monitor the SWPBP. Staff from the Office of Psychological Services will provide supportive training during the school year. School Year 2021-2022 was the first year for the implementation of this initiative. Staff will continue to support enrollment and student attendance.

School Resource Officers
The Baltimore County Police Department (BCoPD) provides 83 School Resource Officers (SROs) to implement a triad model of mentoring, teaching, and law enforcement. At least one SRO has been assigned to each secondary school and rotating SROs are assigned to elementary schools, one officer for each of the ten precincts serving schools within the boundaries of the precinct.  This additional support to our schools provides many opportunities for our SROs to build positive relationships with our students.
School Safety Assistants
New safety assistants will focus on de-escalation strategies and relationship building and provide additional adult presence in secondary school buildings. We implemented a pilot program for the use of safety assistants in select schools this past spring, and plan to meet full implementation in the fall of 2022. These assistants are not replacing School Resource Officers (SROs) but will support school teams.

COVID-19 Response and Mitigation
A comprehensive plan for COVID-19 prevention and mitigation has been developed and is updated as needed based on changes in guidance, disease prevalence, and/or vaccination statuses.  The plan is summarized in Safety is Our True North, which is posted on BCPS’ COVID-19 website and accompanied by a variety of supportive materials and data.    

Team BCPS staff have been working hard to prepare the best environment possible for all students. Together – staff, students and families – we will make this a great year for Baltimore County students!


Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D.

Myriam A. Yarbrough, Ed.D.
Deputy Superintendent

Mary McComas, Ed.D.
Chief Academic Officer

Michael J. Zarchin, Ed.D.
Chief of Schools

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