
Snack and Supper Programs

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register nowClick here or use the QR code to register your Snack or Supper Program.Snack Supper Registration

  • Registration will ONLY be accepted from BCPS employees.
  • School can register for Snack OR Supper (not both).
  • Snack recommended for Elementary Schools.
  • Supper recommended for Middle & High Schools.

Feeding Mind and BodyAfter-School Meal Programs provide nutritionally balanced snacks and suppers to students participating in regularly scheduled, planned and organized, educational or enrichment activities in a structured and supervised setting. 

These programs are designed to fill the afternoon hunger gap for school children that may have limited access to food outside of school, while providing them with activities that are fun and informative.

Examples of eligible activities include homework assistance, tutoring programs, supervised "drop-in" athletic programs, drama activities, and arts & crafts programs.  Organized scholastic or competitive sports programs are not eligible to participate.

Participants of the non-eligible programs may still be eligible for after-school meals, as long as the school/site also operates other eligible educational/enrichment activities.

Program Eligibility

  • School/Program must meet minimum of 50% free & reduced-price eligibility (based on school's FARMS% at the time of the approved School's Snack & Supper Application)
  • Educational/Enrichment activities must take place after the regular school day ends
  • Educational/Enrichment activities must be open to all
  • School/Program may not charge for or include any fee for participants to receive snacks or suppers
  • Snacks or Suppers served must meet USDA nutrition standards

Participant Eligibility

  • Children aged 18 or under at the start of the school year are eligible


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Afterschool Snack Program

arts & craftsAfter-School Snack is a component of the National School Lunch Program.  
Snack meals must include full servings of two of an any of the following five components:

  • Milk
  • Meat/Meat alternate
  • Vegetable (or full-strength juice, limited to 1 meal per day)
  • Fruit (or full-strength juice, limited to 1 meal per day)
  • Whole-grain or enriched bread, bread product, cereal, granola, or pasta
    • NOTE - Only 1 of the components may be a beverage

Additional Program Eligibility

  • School must operate national school lunch program or operate an after-school care program
  • Educational/Enrichment activities may take place on school days only

USDA Overview of After-School Snack

List of Eligible Schools in Baltimore County

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Afterschool Supper Program

Student Art Class

After-School Supper is a component of the Child and Adult Food Program.  Supper meals must include full servings of each of the following:

  • Milk
  • Meat/Meat alternate
  • Vegetable and/or Fruit (2 or more servings)
  • Whole-grain or enriched bread, bread product, cereal, granola, or pasta

Additional Program Eligibility

  • Educational/enrichment activities may take place on weekends and holidays
  • Programs can only be operated during times of the year when school is in session

Additional Participant Eligibility

  • Persons with disabilities are eligible regardless of age
  • No requirement that children receiving meals must participate in scheduled activities, but children should remain onsite while consuming meals

USDA Overview of After-School Suppers

After-School Supper Meal Requirements

List of Eligible Schools in Baltimore County

If you would like more information on requesting after-school meals, please contact your school's Food & Nutrition Area Supervisor.

Healthy After School Supper BoxesHealthy Snack BoxesApple with Heart

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