Baltimore County Public Schools has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 5166. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Baltimore County Public Schools is solely responsible for all aspects of the program.
Our Purpose:
The purpose of the Office of School Counseling is to design and deliver a comprehensive program that encompasses counseling curriculum, individualized student planning, responsive services, and system support.
With leadership and advocacy from the Office of School Counseling, school counselors will:
- Counsel students to fully develop their academic, career, social-emotional abilities by empowering them to make informed decisions and set goals.
- Implement the Comprehensive Counseling Program, based on the American School Counselor Association's National Model Framework for School Counseling Programs
- Take a leadership role in developing relationships between school, families and community to foster a positive school climate.
- Provide expertise in promoting student success through understanding the needs of students and designing and coordinating learning experiences to meet those needs
- Use data to monitor and improve student growth and achievement, which drives counseling and school-wide planning
- Conduct annual goal conferences with students to develop and/or review a 6-year plan
- Advocate for and provide services to all students regardless of ability level, ethnicity, gender, race, sexual identity or orientation, or socioeconomic status
- Offer counseling/planning services individually, in small and large groups, in classrooms, and parent and teacher consultations.
- Coordinate school-wide programs and collaborate with school and community-based professionals to enhance student success.
- Adhere to the highest ethical standards as developed by the American School Counselors Association and applicable legal standards.
Our Core Values:
School counselors play an important role in the creating educational environments that facilitate the following stated beliefs:
- Each student is a unique individual who is capable of learning and deserving of dignity and respect.
- Part of the job of professional school counselors is to develop meaningful relationships with every student.
- All students need access to knowledgeable individuals who are dedicated to providing information about a wide variety of educational and career options and who are full partners in student development.
- Parents and families are partners in the educational journey for all students.
- All students should have equitable access to rigorous coursework.
- Engaging all stakeholders including community partnerships, enhancing outcomes for all students.
- School Counselors should act as advisors and, advocates, to meet the individual needs of each child.
School Counselors support the academic, career and social-emotional development of all students by assuring equitable access to high quality educational opportunities and creating safe learning environments. School Counselors partner with teachers, administrators, families and other stakeholders to develop and navigate rigorous and individualized educational plans that prepare students to graduate, on time, as globally competitive citizens ready for college, careers, and life.