
Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation (BHI)

The Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation (BHI) reporting form is made available to students, parents, guardians, and staff to repeat incidents.  A hard copy of the form can be found at the link below.  Individuals should complete the form and turn it in at the student's school.

BHI Forms to Print and Fill Out:
Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Reporting Form (English)
Bullying Reporting Form MSDE (Spanish)

BHI Reporting Fillable Form to Download and Fill Out:
Bullying Reporting Form

An electronic form can be found in Focus

Once you have downloaded the fillable reporting form and completed it electronically, please save the form to your device and email the document as an attachment to the appropriate school administrator.

If you elect to print the reporting form and fill it out, please scan the completed document and email the document as an attachment to the appropriate school administrator.

Bullying Resources

The following are links to information related to BHI:


Parent Resources

Community Conferencing
A Community Conference is a meeting of people affected by behavior that has caused serious harm.  The goal of the conference is to understand what happened and to create an agreement that will repair the harm and guide future interactions among the participants as needed.  Community conferencing is an effective tool to address incidents which could otherwise result in school suspensions or traditional juvenile justice measures.

Character Education

Character Education is to be incorporated in each school's School Progress Plan.  Bullying and harassment prevention can be addressed through character education efforts.

For more information, visit the Character Education site.

Character Education Resource Books

  • What Do You Stand For: A Guide to Building Character by Barbara Lewis
  • Role Models: Examples of Character and Leadership by Joseph M. Hoedel, Ph.D.
  • Smart and Good High Schools (for all school levels) by Thomas Lickona, Ph.D. and Matthew Davidson, Ph.D.
  • Discipline that Restores by Ron and Roxanne Claassen
  • Character Matters by Thomas Lickona
  • First Class Character Education Activities Program: Ready to Use Lessons and Activities, Grade 7-12 by Michael D. Koehler and Karen E. Royer
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