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School Psychological Services

The Office of Psychological Services ensures that all students have equitable access to a comprehensive and integrated continuum of psychological consultation, assessment, prevention, and intervention services, and positive behavior supports to address academic, social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health needs in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
The Office of Psychological Services builds collaborative partnerships with families, school administrators, and other professionals to create supportive learning and social environments as well as overall positive school climates for all students.
Psychological consultation, assessment, prevention, and intervention services may include:
Providing services for all students spanning the developmental spectrum from infancy through age 21;
- Developing schoolwide positive behavior interventions and supports through school-based problem-solving teams, including student support teams, behavior threat assessment teams, equity teams, and school climate teams;
- Developing academic, social, emotional, and behavioral interventions based upon evidence-based practices for students with targeted and intensive needs through student support teams;
- Determining student eligibility for disabilities (as appropriate to the psychologist’s role) under Section 504 and collaboratively developing 504 plans through student support teams;
- Working to collaboratively conduct functional behavioral assessments and develop behavior intervention plans for students with targeted and intensive needs through student support teams and IndividualizedEducation Program (IEP) teams;
- Administering psychological assessments using culturally and linguistically sensitive measures to determine cognitive, behavioral, adaptive, social, emotional, and academic functioning for students suspected of disabilities and in need of initial or continued accommodations and services under Section 504 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as amended;
- Determining student eligibility for educational disabilities and services under the IDEA and collaborating in the development of data-driven goals, objectives, and services through the IEP teams;
- Engaging in equity-driven and trauma-informed educational planning for students with special needs involving sensory deficits, neuropsychological issues, communication, social skills, and emotional conditions;
- Providing behavioral and mental health services for students, including psychological counseling, crisis response, behavior threat management via screening assessments, traumatic loss support and consultation with school staff, parents/guardians, independent providers, and community agencies; and
- Providing professional development and training to school staff and parents/guardians to support equitable services, trauma-informed practices, social-emotional learning, increased academic achievement, and positive behavior in schools.
OPS Core Values and Organizing Principles